The REFAG, the acronym for Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences, is an international conference that happens every 4 years and has as its main goal to bring together teachers, public and private entities with scientists from around the world in order to discuss geodetic references. This congress counted the participation of 104 people, from 22 different countries, presenting a total of 88 studies.
Mariana Moreira, Aerospace Engineer at the Santa Maria RAEGE station, went to Greece to participate in the last edition of this international conference. During her airtime, she presented a study consisting of the comparison of the most recent international ground reference (ITRF2020), officially launched 6 months ago, with its predecessor ITRF2014.
The analysis was done by comparing the Earth's Orientation Parameters (such as for example the length of day and night) using two benchmarks.
This study consists comparing the latest international Earth referential (ITRF2020), officially released 6 months ago, with the predecessor ITRF2014. This study is important to analyze the effects of using different benchmarks and investigate whether there is an improvement in the accuracy of the results.
This work was developed by the RAEGE Analysis Group, in partnership with Spain's National Geographic Institute and the University of Alicante.