RAEGE and Expolab bring science to the youngest

April is the month of astronomy and, to mark this date, RAEGE-Az and Expolab (science center) joined activities based on didactic games for the students of the first cycle.

In an interview with the local newspaper “O Baluarte” and, simultaneously, with local radio “ASAS Clube do Atlântico”, João Salmim, director of the RAEGE Station in Santa Maria, explains “the RAEGE Azores Association became a science center at the end of 2020”. As a result of this achievement, Santa Maria’s RAEGE Station decided to invest firmly in the communication and dissemination of science, especially with the local community.

These activities focus on transmitting to the little ones what RAEGE is and what’s best done in the Azores in the space sector, for this it was necessary to “take what makes sense for the knowledge of each level of education and transform it into new knowledge for them.”, says Susana Cabral, Expolab representative in Santa Maria. A dissemination action coordinated by Susana Cabral and Raquel Ribeiro, responsible for Marketing and Communication at RAEGE-Az, aroused so much interest among all the participants that, therefore, we decided to adapt and extend it, too, to the CAO (center for people with special needs) and Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Vila do Porto (day care center).