C6.2 class flare parameters inferred with a 3D geometry of flare database

We analyzed a GOES C6.2 class flare on 27 October 2003 on the heliographic position S20E29. Based on the essential parameters of its microwave emission, we inferred a set of geometric and physical parameters to characterize a solar flare using a developed database of a simplified model of a 3D geometry of a magnetic loop. Based on the general properties of known solar flares and convoluted with the instrument resolution to replicate the observations from the Nobeyama radio polarimeter (NoRP) spectra and the Nobeyama radioheliograph (NoRH) brightness maps. Observed spectra and brightness distribution maps were compared with the modeled spectra and images in the database, indicating a possible range of unknown parameters. We computed a weighted mean of one hundred best model parameters ordered by increasing χ2. The solution was optimized as guess input to a final refinement with the Pikaia algorithm. We analyzed six different times, representing a flare’s gradual, impulsive, and decay phases. We found at the time of burst maxima the energy spectral index ∼5.74, photospheric magnetic field ∼2543 G, non-thermal electron density ∼109 cm−1. We conclude that the physical parameters (magnetic field, energy spectral index, and non-thermal electron densities) are well recovered. However, the geometric parameters such as inclination, asymmetry, azimuth, loop radius, loop height, and foot separation are hard to fit due to a lack of instrument resolution of a precise geometry of a loop-like flare, eventually due to a loop-top emission or small-size loops that are not resolved.

V. Cuambe[1], J. Costa[2], P. Simões[2]

Type Presentation

Event CESRA Workshop 2023

[1] Esta̤̣o RAEGE de Santa Maria, Associa̤̣o RAEGE A̤ores, Santa Maria РAzores, Portugal

[2] Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos-Brasil

[3] Universidade Persbeteriana de Mackenzie, Ṣo Paulo РBrasil